Jailbreak tweaks of the week...

It’s Sunday again, and that means we’re coming at you with another one of our jailbreak tweak roundups!
It was a busy week following the public release of iOS 10.3, but jailbreak developers have continued working on their own projects for Cydia regardless.
In this roundup, we’ll talk about our favorite new jailbreak tweak releases first, and then we’ll discuss the rest of them afterwards.

Our favorite releases this week

UsageBarX – FREE
So many people complain about the double-decker Status Bar when performing various activities in iOS that it was time to do something about it.
UsageBarX provides a number of ways to do away with the traditional double-decker Status Bar, either by making it transparent, making it original-sized, or hiding it completely.
You can learn more about how UsageBarX helps make the iOS UI better in our full review.
EnhancedSwitcherClose – FREE
EnhancedSwitcherClose is a huge upgrade for the App Switcher, as it lets you perform various kinds of tasks by dragging your App Switcher cards to various heights.
You get to assign the heights, as well as the actions, and your actions can even be configured on a per-app basis so that each card does something different.
Whether you need a quicker way to kill all apps, a way to re-launch apps, respring your device, or something else, EnhancedSwitcherClose is a very cool tweak to toy with.
You can learn more about what EnhancedSwitcherClose is capable of in our full review.

Other releases this week

ArtworkAnimations: Animates the Lock screen’s Now Playing album artwork (free)
CCNoFloating: Makes the Control Center edge-to-edge instead of floating in the middle of the screen (free – review)
NoUpdatesAvailable: Causes a pop-up to show if all apps are up to date (free)
PowerCaller: Allows the ringtone from a specific caller to bypass silent mode on your iPhone or iPad (free – review)
ringUI: Makes numerous UI elements of your iOS 10 device square instead of rounded (free – review)
While that wraps things up for this week, next week is sure to bring its own bevy of surprises. You can continue to stay up to date on the latest jailbreak tweak news by tuning into iDB. Don’t forget to also check out last week’s jailbreak tweak roundup just in case you’ve missed anything important.


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